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New calculation of radioactive secondaries in cosmic rays

I. V. Moskalenko, S. G. Mashnik, A. W. Strong

Published 2001-06-27, updated 2001-08-17Version 2

We use a new version of our numerical model for particle propagation in the Galaxy to study radioactive secondaries. For evaluation of the production cross sections we use the Los Alamos compilation of all available experimental cross sections together with calculations using the improved Cascade-Exciton Model code CEM2k. Using the radioactive secondary ratios 26Al/27Al, 36Cl/Cl, 54Mn/Mn, we show how the improved cross-section calculations together with the new propagation code allow us to better constrain the size of the CR halo.

Comments: error in units (GeV->MeV) in Fig.1 is corrected; 4 pages, 8 ps-figures, to appear in the Proc. of 27th Int. Cosmic Ray Conf. (Hamburg, 2001), OG 1.3. More details can be found at
Journal: Proc. 27th ICRC (Hamburg), 2001, pp.1836-1839
Categories: astro-ph, hep-ph, nucl-ex, nucl-th
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