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Observations of galaxies with future X-ray observatories

G. Fabbiano

Published 2001-06-22Version 1

Normal galaxies are faint and complex X-ray sources that provide very powerful probes for fundamental astrophysical questions. Examples include: the study of populations of X-ray emitting sources; the study of the entire spectrum of black-hole phenomena; and galaxy formation and evolution in interaction with the surrounding environment. While exciting, all these fields {\bf require} Chandra sub-arcsecond resolution, and at least comparable spectral capabilities. They also require much large collecting areas. I argue that this is the direction we must plan for future X-ray observatories.

Comments: conference proceeding; New Century of X-Ray Astronomy Yokohama Symposia, Yokohama, Japan 6-8 March 2001
Categories: astro-ph
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