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Problems for MOND in Clusters and the Ly-alpha Forest

Anthony Aguirre, Joop Schaye, and Eliot Quataert

Published 2001-05-11, updated 2001-07-17Version 2

The observed dynamics of gas and stars on galactic and larger scales cannot be accounted for by self-gravity, indicating that there are large quantities of unseen matter, or that gravity is non-Newtonian in these regimes. Milgrom's MOdified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) postulates that Newton's laws are modified at very low acceleration, and can account for the rotation curves of galaxies and some other astrophysical observations, without dark matter. Here we apply MOND to two independent physical systems: Ly-alpha absorbers and galaxy clusters. While physically distinct, both are simple hydrodynamical systems with characteristic accelerations in the MOND regime. We find that Ly-alpha absorbers are somewhat smaller than in Newtonian gravity with dark matter, but the result depends crucially on the (unknown) background acceleration field in which they are embedded. In clusters MOND appears to explain the observed (baryonic) mass-temperature relation. However, given observed gas density and enclosed mass profiles and the assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium, MOND predicts radial temperature profiles which disagree badly with observations. We show this explicitly for the Virgo, Abell 2199 and Coma clusters, but the results are general, and seem very difficult to avoid. If this discrepancy is to be resolved by positing additional (presumably baryonic) dark matter, then this dark matter must have ~1-3 times the cluster gas mass within 1 Mpc. This result strongly disfavors MOND as an alternative to dark matter (Abridged).

Comments: Revised version. Important caveat in Ly-alpha calculation discussed; conclusions weakened. Coma cluster and calculation of dark matter mass required by MOND added; cluster conclusions strengthened. 11 EmulateApJ pages with 3 embedded figures. Accepted by ApJ
Journal: Astrophys.J. 561 (2001) 550
Categories: astro-ph
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