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Clustering in Deep (Submillimeter) Surveys

Enrique Gaztanaga, David H. Hughes

Published 2001-03-08Version 1

Hughes & Gaztanaga (2001, see article in these proceedings) have presented realistic simulations to address key issues confronting existing and forthcoming submm surveys. An important aspect illustrated by the simulations is the effect induced on the counts by the sampling variance of the large-scale galaxy clustering. We find factors of up to 2-4 variation (from the mean) in the extracted counts from deep surveys identical in area (6 sqr arcmin) to the SCUBA surveys of the Hubble Deep Fields (HDF). Here we present a recipe to model the expected degree of clustering as a function of sample area and redshift.

Comments: 5 pages, 1 figure, UMass/INAOE conference proceedings on `Deep millimeter surveys', eds. J. Lowenthal and D. Hughes, World Scientific
Categories: astro-ph
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