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Nuclear Luminosities and Radio Loudness of Seyfert Nuclei

Luis C. Ho, Chien Y. Peng

Published 2001-02-28Version 1

Historically, Seyfert nuclei have been considered to be radio-quiet active galactic nuclei (AGNs). We question this widely held assumption by showing that the distribution of the radio-to-optical luminosity ratio R, when properly measured for the {\it nuclear} component, places the majority of type 1 Seyfert nuclei in the category of radio-loud AGNs, defined here as objects with R greater than or equal to 10. This result is further strengthened by strong correlations found between radio power and optical continuum and emission-line luminosities, as has been established previously for more powerful AGNs. We also present a new calibration of the relation between optical continuum and Balmer emission-line luminosities valid in the regime of low-luminosity AGNs.

Comments: To appear in The Astrophysical Journal. Latex, 13 pages
Categories: astro-ph
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