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Common-Envelope Evolution: the Nucleosynthesis in Mergers of Massive Stars

N. Ivanova, Ph. Podsiadlowski, H. Spruit

Published 2001-02-08Version 1

We study the merging of massive stars inside a common envelope for binary systems consisting of a red supergiant with a mass of 15-20 Msun and a main-sequence companion of 1-5 Msun. We are particularly interested in the stage when the secondary, having overfilled its Roche lobe inside the common envelope, starts to transfer mass to the core of the primary at a very high mass-transfer rate and the subsequent nucleo-synthesis in the core-impact region. Using a parametrized model for the structure of the envelope at this stage, we perform 2-dimensional hydrodynamical calculations with the Munich Prometheus code to calculate the dynamics of the stream emanating from the secondary and its impact on the core of the primary. We find that, for the lower end of the estimated mass-transfer rate, low-entropy, hydrogen-rich material can penetrate deep into the primary core where nucleosynthesis through the hot CNO cycle can take place and that the associated neutron exposure may be sufficiently high for significant s-processing. For mass-transfer rates at the high end of our estimated range and higher densities in the stream, the stream impact can lead to the dredge-up of helium, but the neutron production is too low for significant s-processing.

Comments: 5 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the proceeding of ``Binary and Multiple Star Systems'' (Bormio (Italy), June 2000)
Categories: astro-ph
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