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Quasar-galaxy associations revisited

N. Benitez, J. L. Sanz, E. Martinez-Gonzalez

Published 2000-08-24Version 1

Gravitational lensing predicts an enhancement of the density of bright, distant QSOs around foreground galaxies. We measure this QSO-galaxy correlation w_qg for two complete samples of radio-loud quasars, the southern 1Jy and Half-Jansky samples. The existence of a positive correlation between z~1 quasars and z~0.15 galaxies is confirmed at a p=99.0% significance level (>99.9%) if previous measurements on the northern hemisphere are included). A comparison with the results obtained for incomplete quasar catalogs (e.g. the Veron-Cetty and Veron compilation) suggests the existence of an `identification bias', which spuriously increases the estimated amplitude of the quasar-galaxy correlation for incomplete samples. This effect may explain many of the surprisingly strong quasar-galaxy associations found in the literature. Nevertheless, the value of w_qg that we measure in our complete catalogs is still considerably higher than the predictions from weak lensing. We consider two effects which could help to explain this discrepancy: galactic dust extinction and strong lensing.

Comments: 9 pages, 6 figures, MNRAS accepted
Journal: Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 320 (2001) 241
Categories: astro-ph
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