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Dissipative N - body code for galaxy evolution

Peter Berczik, Sergei Kravchuk

Published 2000-07-19Version 1

The evolving galaxy is considered as a system of baryonic fragments embedded into the static dark nonbaryonic (DH) and baryonic (BH) halo and subjected to gravitational and viscous interactions. Although the chemical evolution of each separate fragment is treated in the frame of one -- zone close box model with instantaneous recycling, its star formation (SF) activity is a function of mean local gas density and, therefore, is strongly influenced by other interacting fragments. In spite of its simplicity this model provides a realistic description of the process of galaxy formation and evolution over the Hubble timescale.

Comments: 11 pages, LaTeX, 7 figures, using the article.sty, expected in A&ApTr, 18, 831
Categories: astro-ph
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