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The Light Elements Be and B as Stellar Chronometers in the Early Galaxy

Timothy C. Beers, Takeru K. Suzuki, Yuzuru Yoshii

Published 2000-02-02Version 1

Recent detailed simulations of Galactic Chemical Evolution have shown that the heavy elements, in particular [Fe/H], are expected to exhibit a weak, or absent, correlation with stellar ages in the early Galaxy due to the lack of efficient mixing of interstellar material enriched by individual Type II supernovae. A promising alternative "chronometer" of stellar ages is suggested, based on the expectation that the light elements Be and B are formed primarily as spallation products of Galactic Cosmic Rays.

Comments: 7 pages, 2 figures, To appear in "The Light Elements and Their Evolution," IAU Symposium 198, ASP Conference Series, eds. L. da Silva, M. Spite, & J.R. de Medeiros (ASP, San Francisco)
Categories: astro-ph
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