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RR Lyrae - Theory vs Observation

Zoltan Kollath, J. Robert Buchler, Michael Feuchtinger

Published 2000-01-25, updated 2000-04-14Version 2

The luminosities, effective temperatures and metallicities that are derived empirically by Kovacs and Jurcsik from the light curves of a large number of globular cluster and field RRab and RRc stars are compared to theoretical RR Lyrae models. The strong luminosity dependence of the empirical blue and red edges (Log L vs Log Teff diagram) is in disagreement with that of both radiative and convective models. A reexamination of the theoretical uncertainties in the modelling leads us to conclude that the disagreement is irreconcilable.

Comments: 6 pages, 5 figures (revised april 2000, revisions relatively minor)
Journal: ApJ, Vol. 540, p. 468-473 (2000)
Categories: astro-ph
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