arXiv:2501.17833 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
Thermal properties revisited in displacive ferroelectrics
G. D. Zhao, F. Yang, L. Q. Chen
Published 2025-01-29Version 1
The collective amplitude mode of the order parameter in displacive ferroelectrics, termed the ferron, represents the amplitude fluctuations of long-range ordered polarization. At temperatures well below phase transition temperature $T_c$, the energy of ferron excitation is significantly gapped in the long-wavelength limit. As $T_c$ is approached, this gap softens dramatically to minimal or gapless values, thereby should lead to a substantial contribution to thermal properties. In this context, we explore the role of ferrons in heat capacity and thermal transport by incorporating a microscopic self-consistent phase-transition theory for displacive ferroelectricity in contrast to the conventional treatment of attributing thermal properties solely to acoustic phonons. Using ferroelectric $\rm{PbTiO}_{3}$ as a case study, we show that the softening of ferrons near the phase transition is essential to accurately capturing the experimental temperature and electric-field dependencies of thermal properties.