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arXiv:2501.01234 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Impact of QCD sum rules coupling constants on neutron stars structure

F. Moradi Jangal, H. R. Moshfegh, K. Azizi

Published 2025-01-02Version 1

We present a detailed investigation on the structure of neutron stars, incorporating the presence of hyperons within a relativistic model under the mean-field approximation. Employing coupling constants derived from QCD sum rules, we explore the particle fraction in beta equilibrium and establish the mass-radius relationship for neutron stars with hyperonic matter. Additionally, we compute the stellar Love number ($\mathcal{K}_{2}$) and the tidal deformability parameter ($\varLambda$), providing valuable insights into the dynamical properties of these celestial objects. Through comparison with theoretical predictions and observational data, our results exhibit good agreement, affirming the validity of our approach. These findings contribute significantly to refining the understanding of neutron star physics, particularly in environments containing hyperons, and offer essential constraints on the equation of state governing such extreme astrophysical conditions.

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