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arXiv:2501.00490 [cond-mat.str-el]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

On the Wiedemann-Franz law violation in Graphene and quark-gluon plasma systems

Ashutosh Dwibedi, Subhalaxmi Nayak, Sathe Subodh Kiran, Sabyasachi Ghosh, Sesha Vempati

Published 2024-12-31Version 1

A comparative study of the thermodynamic and transport properties of the ultra-relativistic quark-gluon plasma (QGP) produced in Heavy ion collisions (HIC) with the "quasi-relativistic" massless electron-hole plasma in graphene sample has been performed. We observe that the enthalpy per net carrier density emerges as a useful physical quantity determining the hydrodynamic domain's transport variables. Lorenz ratio is defined as thermal to electrical conductivity ratio, normalized by temperature. In searching whether the Wiedemann-Franz (WF) law is obeyed or violated by checking the Lorenz ratio as one or deviated from one, we find that the Lorenz ratio determined from the fluid-based framework will always be responsible for the violation of the WF law. The reason is the proportional relation between Lorenz ratio and enthalpy per particle in the fluid. Based on the experimental observation, graphene, and QGP, both systems at low net charge density, exhibit WF law violation due to their fluid nature. However, graphene at high net charge density obeys the WF law, followed by metals with high Fermi energy or density. It indicates a fluid to the non-fluid transition of the graphene system from low to high-density domain. In this regard, the fluid or non-fluid aspect of QGP at high density is yet to be explored by future facilities like Compressed Baryonic matter (CBM) and Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA) experiments.

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