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arXiv:2412.00195 [astro-ph.SR]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Chemical Evolution of R-process Elements in Stars (CERES): IV. An observational run-up of the third r-process peak with Hf, Os, Ir, and Pt

Arthur Alencastro Puls, Jan Kuske, Camilla Juul Hansen, Linda Lombardo, Giorgio Visentin, Almudena Arcones, Raphaela Fernandes de Melo, Moritz Reichert, Piercarlo Bonifacio, Elisabetta Caffau, Stephan Fritzsche

Published 2024-11-29Version 1

The third r-process peak (Os, Ir, Pt) is poorly understood due to observational challenges, with spectral lines located in the blue or near-ultraviolet region of stellar spectra. These challenges need to be overcome for a better understanding of the r-process in a broader context. To understand how the abundances of the third r-process peak are synthesised and evolve in the Universe, a homogeneous chemical analysis of metal-poor stars using high quality data observed in the blue region of the electromagnetic spectrum (< 400 nm) is necessary. We provide a homogeneous set of abundances for the third r-process peak (Os, Ir, Pt) and Hf, increasing by up to one order of magnitude their availability in the literature. A classical 1D, local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) analysis of four elements (Hf, Os, Ir, Pt) is performed, using ATLAS model atmospheres to fit synthetic spectra in high resolution (> 40,000), high signal-to-noise ratio, of 52 red giants observed with UVES/VLT. Due to the heavy line blending involved, a careful determination of upper limits and uncertainties is done. The observational results are compared with state-of-the-art nucleosynthesis models. Our sample displays larger abundances of Ir (Z=77) in comparison to Os (Z=76), which have been measured in a few stars in the past. The results also suggest decoupling between abundances of third r-process peak elements with respect to Eu (rare earth element) in Eu-poor stars. This seems to contradict a co-production scenario of Eu and the third r-process peak elements Os, Ir, and Pt in the progenitors of these objects. Our results are challenging to explain from the nucleosynthetic point of view: the observationally derived abundances indicate the need for an additional early, primary formation channel (or a non-robust r-process).

Comments: 15 pages, 11 figures, Accepted for publication in A&A
Categories: astro-ph.SR, astro-ph.GA
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