arXiv:2408.05656 [nucl-th]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
Applications of the Modified Hulthén-Kohn Method for Bound and Scattering States
M. A. Sharaf, A. M. Shirokov, W. Du, J. P. Vary
Published 2024-08-10Version 1
We apply the Hulth\`en-Kohn method suggested by V. D. Efros [Phys. Rev. C 99, 034620 (2019)] for calculating various observables in the continuum and discrete spectrum using two-body interactions in single- and coupled-channel systems. This method is promising for many-body applications and ab initio description of nuclear reactions. We explore the convergence of phase shifts and wave functions as well as the location of S-matrix poles which enables obtaining both resonance and bound state parameters. We find that adopting wave functions from approximate bound-state solutions for the short-range components of basis wave functions leads to good convergence.