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arXiv:2405.14485 [physics.plasm-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Experimental observations of bifurcated power decay lengths in the near Scrape-Off Layer of tokamak plasmas

X Zhang, C Marsden, M Moscheni, E Maartensson, A Rengle, M Robinson, T OGorman, H F Lowe, E Vekshina, S Janhunen, P F Buxton, M Sertoli, M Romanelli, A Scarabosio, T K Gray, N A Lopez, the ST40 Team

Published 2024-05-23Version 1

The scrape-off layer parallel heat flux decay lengths measured at ST40, a high field, low aspect ratio spherical tokamak, have been observed to bifurcate into two groups. The wide group matches closely with the scale of ion poloidal Larmour radius and follows existing H-mode scalings, while the narrow group falls up to 10 times below scalings, on the scale of ion total Larmour radius. The onset of the narrow scrape-off layer width is observed to be associated with suppressed magnetic fluctuations, suggesting reduced electromagnetic turbulence levels in the SOL.

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