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arXiv:2403.12795 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Extraction of trans-helicity worm-gear distributions and opportunities at the Electron-Ion Collider in China

Ke Yang, Tianbo Liu, Peng Sun, Yuxiang Zhao, Bo-Qiang Ma

Published 2024-03-19Version 1

We present a global analysis of the trans-helicity worm-gear distribution function, $g_{1T}^\perp$, by fitting the longitudinal-transverse double spin asymmetry data of the semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering. The analysis is performed within the framework of transverse momentum dependent factorization and evolution. It is found that the $u$-quark favors a positive distribution and the $d$-quark favors a negative distribution, which is consistent with previous model calculations and phenomenological extractions. Based on the fit to existing world data, we also study the impact of the proposed electron-ion collider in China and conclude that it can significantly improve the precision of the worm-gear distribution function and hence enhance our understanding of nucleon spin structures.

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