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arXiv:2402.18680 [nucl-th]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Generator coordinate method with proton--neutron pairing fluctuations and magnetic properties of $N=Z$ odd--odd nuclei

K. Uzawa, N. Hinohara, T. Nakatsukasa

Published 2024-02-28, updated 2024-03-01Version 2

Pairing correlations play an important role in a variety of nuclear phenomena. However, a quantitative understanding of proton--neutron $(pn)$ pairing, especially isoscalar $pn$ pairing $(S=1, T=0)$ remains elusive. To clarify the property of $pn$ pairing, we investigate the roles of $pn$ pairing in the $M1$ transition of $N=Z$ odd--odd nuclei. We develop a theoretical model based on the generator coordinate method (GCM) in which the isoscalar and isovector $pn$-pair amplitudes are used as the generator coordinates. Using the particle and the angular-momentum projections, the $pn$-pair GCM well reproduces the $M1$ transition of odd--odd nuclei for the exactly solvable SO(8) model. We apply the method to $N=Z$ odd--odd nuclei and find that the experimental values of $B(M1)$ are well reproduced. We also study the sensitivity of $B(M1)$ to the strength of the isoscalar pairing interaction.

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