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arXiv:2401.10312 [astro-ph.CO]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Speed of sound and scalar spectral index: Reconstructing inflation and reheating in a non-canonical theory

Ramon Herrera, Carlos Rios

Published 2024-01-18Version 1

In this article we analyze the reconstruction of inflation in the framework of a non-canonical theory. In this sense, we study the viability of reconstructing the background variables assuming a non-lineal kinetic term given by $K(X,\phi)=X+g(\phi)X^2$, with $X$ the standard kinetic term associated to the scalar field $\phi$ and $g(\phi)$ an arbitrary coupling function. In order to achieve this reconstruction in the context of inflation, we assume the slow-roll approximation together with the parametrization of the scalar spectral index $n_s$ and the speed of sound $c_s$ as a function of the number of $e-$folds $N$. By assuming the simplest parametrizations for $n_s-1=-2/N$ and $c_s\propto N^{-\beta}$ with $\beta$ a constant, we find the reconstruction of the effective potential $V(\phi)$ and the coupling function $g(\phi)$ in terms of the scalar field. Besides, we study the reheating epoch by considering a constant equation of state parameter, where we determine the temperature and number of $e-$folds during the reheating epoch in terms of the reconstructed variables and the observational parameters. In this way, the parameter-space related to the reconstructed inflationary model are constrained during the epochs of inflation and reheating by assuming the current astronomical data from Planck and BICEP/Keck results.

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