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arXiv:2310.09739 [cs.CV]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

AugUndo: Scaling Up Augmentations for Unsupervised Depth Completion

Yangchao Wu, Tian Yu Liu, Hyoungseob Park, Stefano Soatto, Dong Lao, Alex Wong

Published 2023-10-15Version 1

Unsupervised depth completion methods are trained by minimizing sparse depth and image reconstruction error. Block artifacts from resampling, intensity saturation, and occlusions are amongst the many undesirable by-products of common data augmentation schemes that affect image reconstruction quality, and thus the training signal. Hence, typical augmentations on images that are viewed as essential to training pipelines in other vision tasks have seen limited use beyond small image intensity changes and flipping. The sparse depth modality have seen even less as intensity transformations alter the scale of the 3D scene, and geometric transformations may decimate the sparse points during resampling. We propose a method that unlocks a wide range of previously-infeasible geometric augmentations for unsupervised depth completion. This is achieved by reversing, or "undo"-ing, geometric transformations to the coordinates of the output depth, warping the depth map back to the original reference frame. This enables computing the reconstruction losses using the original images and sparse depth maps, eliminating the pitfalls of naive loss computation on the augmented inputs. This simple yet effective strategy allows us to scale up augmentations to boost performance. We demonstrate our method on indoor (VOID) and outdoor (KITTI) datasets where we improve upon three existing methods by an average of 10.4\% across both datasets.

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