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arXiv:2306.09628 [cs.CV]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Structural Restricted Boltzmann Machine for image denoising and classification

Bidaurrazaga Arkaitz, Pérez Aritz, Santana Roberto

Published 2023-06-16Version 1

Restricted Boltzmann Machines are generative models that consist of a layer of hidden variables connected to another layer of visible units, and they are used to model the distribution over visible variables. In order to gain a higher representability power, many hidden units are commonly used, which, in combination with a large number of visible units, leads to a high number of trainable parameters. In this work we introduce the Structural Restricted Boltzmann Machine model, which taking advantage of the structure of the data in hand, constrains connections of hidden units to subsets of visible units in order to reduce significantly the number of trainable parameters, without compromising performance. As a possible area of application, we focus on image modelling. Based on the nature of the images, the structure of the connections is given in terms of spatial neighbourhoods over the pixels of the image that constitute the visible variables of the model. We conduct extensive experiments on various image domains. Image denoising is evaluated with corrupted images from the MNIST dataset. The generative power of our models is compared to vanilla RBMs, as well as their classification performance, which is assessed with five different image domains. Results show that our proposed model has a faster and more stable training, while also obtaining better results compared to an RBM with no constrained connections between its visible and hidden units.

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