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arXiv:2304.14397 [cs.IT]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Private Information Retrieval and Its Applications: An Introduction, Open Problems, Future Directions

Sajani Vithana, Zhusheng Wang, Sennur Ulukus

Published 2023-04-27Version 1

Private information retrieval (PIR) is a privacy setting that allows a user to download a required message from a set of messages stored in a system of databases without revealing the index of the required message to the databases. PIR was introduced under computational privacy guarantees, and is recently re-formulated to provide information-theoretic guarantees, resulting in \emph{information theoretic privacy}. Subsequently, many important variants of the basic PIR problem have been studied focusing on fundamental performance limits as well as achievable schemes. More recently, a variety of conceptual extensions of PIR have been introduced, such as, private set intersection (PSI), private set union (PSU), and private read-update-write (PRUW). Some of these extensions are mainly intended to solve the privacy issues that arise in distributed learning applications due to the extensive dependency of machine learning on users' private data. In this article, we first provide an introduction to basic PIR with examples, followed by a brief description of its immediate variants. We then provide a detailed discussion on the conceptual extensions of PIR, along with potential research directions.

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