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arXiv:2303.15233 [cs.CV]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Text-to-Image Diffusion Models are Zero-Shot Classifiers

Kevin Clark, Priyank Jaini

Published 2023-03-27Version 1

The excellent generative capabilities of text-to-image diffusion models suggest they learn informative representations of image-text data. However, what knowledge their representations capture is not fully understood, and they have not been thoroughly explored on downstream tasks. We investigate diffusion models by proposing a method for evaluating them as zero-shot classifiers. The key idea is using a diffusion model's ability to denoise a noised image given a text description of a label as a proxy for that label's likelihood. We apply our method to Imagen, using it to probe fine-grained aspects of Imagen's knowledge and comparing it with CLIP's zero-shot abilities. Imagen performs competitively with CLIP on a wide range of zero-shot image classification datasets. Additionally, it achieves state-of-the-art results on shape/texture bias tests and can successfully perform attribute binding while CLIP cannot. Although generative pre-training is prevalent in NLP, visual foundation models often use other methods such as contrastive learning. Based on our findings, we argue that generative pre-training should be explored as a compelling alternative for vision and vision-language problems.

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