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arXiv:2302.00257 [cs.LG]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Implicit Regularization Leads to Benign Overfitting for Sparse Linear Regression

Mo Zhou, Rong Ge

Published 2023-02-01Version 1

In deep learning, often the training process finds an interpolator (a solution with 0 training loss), but the test loss is still low. This phenomenon, known as benign overfitting, is a major mystery that received a lot of recent attention. One common mechanism for benign overfitting is implicit regularization, where the training process leads to additional properties for the interpolator, often characterized by minimizing certain norms. However, even for a simple sparse linear regression problem $y = \beta^{*\top} x +\xi$ with sparse $\beta^*$, neither minimum $\ell_1$ or $\ell_2$ norm interpolator gives the optimal test loss. In this work, we give a different parametrization of the model which leads to a new implicit regularization effect that combines the benefit of $\ell_1$ and $\ell_2$ interpolators. We show that training our new model via gradient descent leads to an interpolator with near-optimal test loss. Our result is based on careful analysis of the training dynamics and provides another example of implicit regularization effect that goes beyond norm minimization.

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