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arXiv:2212.04509 [astro-ph.EP]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Comets and Planetesimal Formation

Jacob B. Simon, Jürgen Blum, Til Birnstiel, David Nesvorný

Published 2022-12-08Version 1

In this chapter, we review the processes involved in the formation of planetesimals and comets. We will start with a description of the physics of dust grain growth and how this is mediated by gas-dust interactions in planet-forming disks. We will then delve into the various models of planetesimal formation, describing how these planetesimals form as well as their resulting structure. In doing so, we focus on and compare two paradigms for planetesimal formation: the gravitational collapse of particle over-densities (which can be produced by a variety of mechanisms) and the growth of particles into planetesimals via collisional and gravitational coagulation. Finally, we compare the predictions from these models with data collected by the Rosetta and New Horizons missions and that obtained via observations of distant Kuiper Belt Objects.

Comments: Planetesimal Formation Review accepted for publication in Comets III
Categories: astro-ph.EP, astro-ph.SR
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