arXiv:2209.06568 [math.AP]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
$L^\infty$ a-priori estimates for subcritical $p$-laplacian equations with a Carathéodory nonlinearity
Published 2022-09-14Version 1
We present new $L^\infty$ a priori estimates for weak solutions of a wide class of subcritical $p$-laplacian equations in bounded domains. No hypotheses on the sign of the solutions, neither of the non-linearities are required. This method is based in elliptic regularity for the $p$-laplacian combined either with Gagliardo-Nirenberg or Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg interpolation inequalities. Let us consider a quasilinear boundary value problem $ -\Delta_p u= f(x,u),$ in $\Omega,$ with Dirichlet boundary conditions, where $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^N $, with $p<N,$ is a bounded smooth domain strictly convex, and $f$ is a subcritical Carath\'eodory non-linearity. We provide $L^\infty$ a priori estimates for weak solutions, in terms of their $L^{p^*}$-norm, where $p^*= \frac{Np}{N-p}\ $ is the critical Sobolev exponent. By a subcritical non-linearity we mean, for instance, $|f(x,s)|\le |x|^{-\mu}\, \tilde{f}(s),$ where $\mu\in(0,p),$ and $\tilde{f}(s)/|s|^{p_{\mu}^*-1}\to 0$ as $|s|\to \infty$, here $p^*_{\mu}:=\frac{p(N-\mu)}{N-p}$ is the critical Sobolev-Hardy exponent. Our non-linearities includes non-power non-linearities. In particular we prove that when $f(x,s)=|x|^{-\mu}\,\frac{|s|^{p^*_{\mu}-2}s}{\big[\log(e+|s|)\big]^\alpha}\,,$ with $\mu\in[1,p),$ then, for any $\varepsilon>0$ there exists a constant $C_\varepsilon>0$ such that for any solution $u\in H^1_0(\Omega)$, the following holds $$ \Big[\log\big(e+\|u\|_{\infty}\big)\Big]^\alpha\le C_\varepsilon \, \Big(1+\|u\|_{p^*}\Big)^{\, (p^*_{\mu}-p)(1+\varepsilon)}\, , $$ where $C_\varepsilon$ is independent of the solution $u$.