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arXiv:2207.13133 [astro-ph.CO]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Probing Physics Beyond the Standard Model: Limits from BBN and the CMB Independently and Combined

Tsung-Han Yeh, Jessie Shelton, Keith A. Olive, Brian D. Fields

Published 2022-07-26Version 1

We present new Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) limits on the cosmic expansion rate or relativistic energy density, quantified via the number $N_\nu$ of equivalent neutrino species. We use the latest light element observations, neutron mean lifetime, and update our evaluation for the nuclear rates $d+d \rightarrow He3 + n$ and $d+d \rightarrow H3 + p$. Combining this result with the independent constraints from the cosmic microwave background (CMB) yields tight limits on new physics that perturbs $N_\nu$ and $\eta$ prior to cosmic nucleosynthesis: a joint BBN+CMB analysis gives $N_\nu = 2.898 \pm 0.141$, resulting in $N_\nu < 3.180$ at $2\sigma$. We apply these limits to a wide variety of new physics scenarios including right-handed neutrinos, dark radiation, and a stochastic gravitational wave background. We also search for limits on potential {\em changes} in $N_\nu$ and/or the baryon-to-photon ratio $\eta$ between the two epochs. The present data place strong constraints on the allowed changes in $N_\nu$ between BBN and CMB decoupling; for example, we find $-0.708 < N_\nu^{\rm CMB}-N_\nu^{\rm BBN} < 0.328$ in the case where $\eta$ and the primordial helium mass fraction $Y_p$ are unchanged between the two epochs; we also give limits on the allowed variations in $\eta$ or in $(\eta,N_\nu)$ jointly. Looking to the future, we forecast the tightened precision for $N_\nu$ arising from both CMB Stage 4 measurements as well as improvements in astronomical \he4 measurements. We find that CMB-S4 combined with present BBN and light element observation precision can give $\sigma(N_\nu) \simeq 0.03$. Such future precision would reveal the expected effect of neutrino heating ($N_{\rm eff}-3=0.044$) of the CMB during BBN, and would be near the level to reveal any particle species ever in thermal equilibrium with the standard model.

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