arXiv:2206.01072 [cond-mat.mes-hall]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
Magnetic ground state of supported monatomic Fe chains from first principles
Balázs Nagyfalusi, László Udvardi, László Szunyogh
Published 2022-06-02Version 1
A new computational scheme is presented based on a combination of the conjugate gradient and the Newton-Raphson method to self-consistently minimize the energy within spin-density functional theory, thus to identify the ground state magnetic order of a cluster of magnetic atoms. The applicability of the new \textit{ab initio} optimization method is demonstrated on Fe chains deposited on different metallic substrates. The obtained magnetic ground states of the Fe chains on Rh(111) are analyzed in details and a good comparison is found with those gained from an extended Heisenberg model containing first principles based interaction parameters. Moreover, the effect of the different bilinear spin-spin interactions in the formation of the magnetic ground states is monitored. In case of Fe chains on Nb(110) spin-spiral configurations with opposite rotational sense are found as compared to previous spin-model results which hints on the importance of higher order chiral interactions. The wavelength of the spin-spiral states of Fe chains on Re(0001) was obtained in good agreement with scanning tunneling microscopy experiments.