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arXiv:2112.04513 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Lepton-Flavor-Violating ALPs at the Electron-Ion Collider: A Golden Opportunity

Hooman Davoudiasl, Roman Marcarelli, Ethan T. Neil

Published 2021-12-08, updated 2022-08-27Version 2

Axion-like particles (ALPs) arise in a variety of theoretical contexts and can, in general, mediate flavor violating interactions and parity non-conservation. We consider lepton flavor violating ALPs with GeV scale or larger masses which may, for example, arise in composite dark sector models. We show that a future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) can uncover or constrain such ALPs via processes of the type $e \, A_Z \to \tau \, A_Z\, a$, where $A_Z$ is a nucleus of charge $Z$ and $a$ is an ALP in the range $m_\tau \leq m_a \lesssim 20$ GeV. The production of the ALP can have a large $Z^2$ enhancement from low $Q^2$ electromagnetic scattering of the electron from a heavy ion. Using the gold nucleus ($Z=79$) as an example, we show that the EIC can explore $e-\tau$ flavor violation, mediated by GeV-scale ALPs, well beyond current limits. Importantly, the EIC reach for this interaction is not sensitive to the lepton-flavor conserving ALP couplings, whose possible smallness can render searches using $\tau$ decays ineffective. We also discuss how the EIC electron beam polarization can provide a powerful tool for investigating parity violating ALPs.

Comments: 16 pages, 4 figures. v2: corrected EIC ion-mode luminosity projection; significant updates to analysis
Categories: hep-ph, hep-ex, nucl-ex
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