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arXiv:2107.00467 [astro-ph.CO]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Small scale effects in the observable power spectrum at large angular scales

William L. Matthewson, Ruth Durrer

Published 2021-07-01Version 1

In this paper we show how effects from small scales enter the angular-redshift power spectrum $C_\ell(z,z')$. In particular, we show that spectroscopic surveys with high redshift resolution are affected by small scales already on large angular scales, i.e. at low multipoles. Therefore, when considering the angular power spectrum with spectroscopic redshift resolution, it is important to account for non-linearities relevant on small scales even at low multipoles. This may also motivate the use of the correlation function instead of the angular power spectrum. These effects, which are very relevant for bin auto-correlations, but not so important for cross-correlations, are quantified in detail.

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