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arXiv:2102.13316 [physics.optics]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Optoelectronic characteristics and application of black phosphorus and its analogs

Ying-Ying Li, Bo Gao, Ying Han, Bing-Kun Chen, Jia-Yu Huo

Published 2021-02-26Version 1

The tunable bandgap from 0.3 eV to 2 eV of black phosphorus (BP) makes it to fill the gap in graphene. When studying the properties of BP more comprehensive, scientists have discovered that many two-dimensional materials, such as tellurene, antimonene, bismuthene, indium selenide and tin sulfide, have similar structures and properties to black phosphorus thus called black phosphorus analogs. In this review, we briefly introduce preparation methods of black phosphorus and its analogs, with emphasis on the method of mechanical exfoliation (ME), liquid phase exfoliation (LPE) and chemical vapor deposition (CVD). And their characterization and properties according to their classification of single-element materials and multi-element materials are described. We focus on the performance of passively mode-locked fiber lasers using BP and its analogs as saturable absorbers (SA) and demonstrated this part through classification of working wavelength. Finally, we introduce the application of BP and its analogs, and discuss their future research prospects.

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