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arXiv:2009.07059 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

$N=1$ trinification from dimensional reduction of $N=1$, $10D$ $E_8$ over $SU(3)/U(1)\times U(1)\times Z_3$ and its phenomenological consequences

George Manolakos, Gregory Patellis, George Zoupanos

Published 2020-09-15Version 1

We present an extension of the Standard Model that results from the dimensional reduction of the $\mathcal{N}=1$, $10D$ $E_8$ group over a $M_4 \times B_0/ \mathbf{Z}_3 $ space, where $B_0$ is the nearly-K\"ahler manifold $SU(3)/U(1) \times U(1)$ and $\mathbf{Z}_3$ is a freely acting discrete group on $B_0$. Using the Wilson flux breaking mechanism we are left in four dimensions with an $\mathcal{N}=1$ $SU(3)^3$ gauge theory. Below the unification scale we have a two Higgs doublet model in a split-like supersymmetric version of the Standard Model, which yields third generation quark and light Higgs masses within the experimental limits and predicts the LSP $\sim $ 1500 $GeV$.

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