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arXiv:2007.15249 [quant-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Quantum Teleportation for Control of Dynamic Systems and Autonomy

Farbod Khoshnoud, Lucas Lamata, Clarence W. de Silva, Marco B. Quadrelli

Published 2020-07-30Version 1

The application of Quantum Teleportation for control of classical dynamic systems and autonomy is proposed in this paper. Quantum teleportation is an intrinsically quantum phenomenon, and was first introduced by teleporting an unknown quantum state via dual classical and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen channels in 1993. In this paper, we consider the possibility of applying this quantum technique to autonomous mobile classical platforms for control and autonomy purposes for the first time in this research. First, a review of how Quantum Entanglement and Quantum Cryptography can be integrated into macroscopic mechanical systems for controls and autonomy applications is presented, as well as how quantum teleportation concepts may be applied to the classical domain. In quantum teleportation, an entangled pair of photons which are correlated in their polarizations are generated and sent to two autonomous platforms, which we call the Alice Robot and the Bob Robot. Alice has been given a quantum system, i.e. a photon, prepared in an unknown state, in addition to receiving an entangled photon. Alice measures the state of her entangled photon and her unknown state jointly and sends the information through a classical channel to Bob. Although Alice original unknown state is collapsed in the process of measuring the state of the entangled photon (due to the quantum non-cloning phenomenon), Bob can construct an accurate replica of Alice state by applying a unitary operator. This paper, and the previous investigations of the applications of hybrid classical-quantum capabilities in control of dynamical systems, are aimed to promote the adoption of quantum capabilities and its advantages to the classical domain particularly for autonomy and control of autonomous classical systems.

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