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arXiv:2006.09143 [astro-ph.GA]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Ionized Gas in the NGC 5253 Supernebula:High Spatial and Spectral Resolution Observations with the JVLA and TEXES

Sara C. Beck, John Lacy, Jean Turner, Hauyu Baobab Liu, Thomas Greathouse, S. M. Consiglio, Paul T. P. Ho

Published 2020-06-16Version 1

The youngest, closest and most compact embedded massive star cluster known excites the supernebula in the nearby dwarf galaxy NGC 5253. It is a crucial target and test case for studying the birth and evolution of the most massive star clusters. We present observations of the ionized gas in this source with high spatial and spectral resolution. The data includes continuum images of free-free emission with ~0.15'' resolution made with the JVLA at 15, 22 and 33 GHz, and a full data cube of the [SIV]10.5 micron fine-structure emission line with ~4.5 km/s velocity resolution and 0.3'' beam, obtained with TEXES on Gemini North. We find that 1) the ionized gas extends out from the cluster in arms or jets, and 2) the ionized gas comprises two components offset both spatially and in velocity. We discuss mechanisms that may have created the observed velocity field; possibilities include large-scale jets or a subcluster falling onto the main source.

Comments: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 16 June 2020
Categories: astro-ph.GA
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