arXiv:2004.09082 [nucl-th]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
Fractionalized Quasiparticles and the Hadron-Quark Duality in Dense Baryonic Matter
Published 2020-04-20Version 1
Drawing from certain analogies to highly correlated condensed matter, I sketch an admittedly speculative scenario on how baryonic matter could turn into a Fermi liquid of fractionalized baryons inside compact stars. It involves the resolution of a "dichotomy problem" with the help of the hidden local vector bosons $\rho$ and $\omega$ and scale symmetry dilaton $\chi$ "dual" to the quarks and gluons of QCD, and offers the possibility, exploiting the Cheshire Cat Principle, to unify the skyrmion structure (for $N_f\geq 2$) and the fractional quantum Hall droplet ("pancake" or "pita") structure of the flavor-singlet baryon (for $N_f=1$) and to explore how the baryonic matter could behave as density goes beyond the normal nuclear matter density. Possible impact on the properties of massive compact stars is discussed.