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arXiv:2003.09995 [gr-qc]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Gravitational Wave Detection and Information Extraction via Neural Networks

Gerson R. Santos, Marcela P. Figueiredo, Antonio de Pádua Santos, Pavlos Protopapas, Tiago A. E. Ferreira

Published 2020-03-22Version 1

Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) was the first laboratory to measure the gravitational waves. It was needed an exceptional experimental design to measure distance changes much less than a radius of a proton. In the same way, the data analyses to confirm and extract information is a tremendously hard task. Here, it is shown a computational procedure base on artificial neural networks to detect a gravitation wave event and extract the knowledge of its ring-down time from the LIGO data. With this proposal, it is possible to make a probabilistic thermometer for gravitational wave detection and obtain physical information about the astronomical body system that created the phenomenon. Here, the ring-down time is determined with a direct data measure, without the need to use numerical relativity techniques and high computational power.

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