arXiv:2003.07768 [nucl-th]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
Predictions for charmed nuclei based on $Y_c N$ forces inferred from lattice QCD simulations
Johann Haidenbauer, Andreas Nogga, Isaac Vidaña
Published 2020-03-17Version 1
Charmed nuclei are investigated utilizing $\Lambda_c N$ and $\Sigma_c N$ interactions that have been extrapolated from lattice QCD simulations at unphysical masses of $m_\pi = 410$--$570$ MeV to the physical point using chiral effective field theory as guideline. Calculations of the energies of $\Lambda_c$ single-particle bound states for various charmed nuclei from $^{\ 5}_{\Lambda_c}$Li to $^{209}_{\Lambda_c}$Bi are performed using a perturbative many-body approach. This approach allows one to determine the finite nuclei $\Lambda_c$ self-energy from which the energies of the different bound states can be obtained. Though the $\Lambda_c N$ interaction inferred from the lattice results is only moderately attractive, it supports the existence of charmed nuclei. Already the lightest nucleus considered is found to be bound. The spin-orbit splitting of the p- and d-wave states turns out to be small, as in the case of single $\Lambda$ hypernuclei. Additional calculations based on the Faddeev-Yakubovsky equations suggest that also $A=4$ systems involving a $\Lambda_c$ baryon are likely to be bound, but exclude a bound $^{\, 3}_{\Lambda_c}$He state.