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arXiv:2002.06643 [nucl-th]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Multi-stage evolution of heavy quarks in the quark-gluon plasma

G. Vujanovic, A. Angerami, S. A. Bass, S. Cao, Y. Chen, J. Coleman, L. Cunqueiro, T. Dai, L. Du, R. Ehlers, H. Elfner, D. Everett, W. Fan, R. Fries, C. Gale, Y. He, M. Heffernan, U. Heinz, B. V. Jacak, P. M. Jacobs, S. Jeon, K. Kauder, W. Ke, E. Khalaj, M. Kordell II, A. Kumar, T. Luo, M. Luzum, A. Majumder, M. McNelis, J. Mulligan, C. Nattrass, D. Oliinychenko, D. Pablos, L. G. Pang, C. Park, J. -F. Paquet, J. H. Putschke, G. Roland, B. Schenke, L. Schwiebert, C. Shen, A. Silva, C. Sirimanna, R. A. Soltz, Y. Tachibana, X. -N. Wang, R. L. Wolpert, Y. Xu, Z. Yang

Published 2020-02-16Version 1

The interaction of heavy flavor with the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) in relativistic heavy-ion collisions is studied using JETSCAPE, a publicly available software package containing a framework for Monte Carlo event generators. Multi-stage (and multi-model) evolution of heavy quarks within JETSCAPE provides a cohesive description of heavy flavor quenching inside the QGP. As the parton shower develops, a model becomes active as soon as its kinematic region of validity is reached. Two combinations of heavy-flavor energy-loss models are explored within a realistic QGP medium, using parameters which were tuned to describe {\it light-flavor} partonic energy-loss.

Comments: 4 pages, 2 figures, contribution to the Quark Matter 2019 proceedings
Categories: nucl-th, hep-ph
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