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arXiv:1907.09584 [gr-qc]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

NAT Black Holes

Metin Gurses, Yaghoub Heydarzade, Cetin Senturk

Published 2019-07-22Version 1

We study some physical properties of black holes in Null Aether Theory (NAT)--a vector-tensor theory of gravity. We first review the black hole solutions in NAT and then derive the first law of black hole thermodynamics. The temperature of the black holes depends on both the mass and the NAT \textquotedblleft charge" of the black holes. The extreme cases where the temperature vanishes resemble the extreme Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m black holes. We also discuss the contribution of the NAT charge to the geodesics of massive and massless particles around the NAT black holes.

Comments: 24 pages, 1 figure, 1 table
Categories: gr-qc, hep-th
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