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arXiv:1903.10412 [cs.CV]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

ShopSign: a Diverse Scene Text Dataset of Chinese Shop Signs in Street Views

Chongsheng Zhang, Guowen Peng, Yuefeng Tao, Feifei Fu, Wei Jiang, George Almpanidis, Ke Chen

Published 2019-03-25Version 1

In this paper, we introduce the ShopSign dataset, which is a newly developed natural scene text dataset of Chinese shop signs in street views. Although a few scene text datasets are already publicly available (e.g. ICDAR2015, COCO-Text), there are few images in these datasets that contain Chinese texts/characters. Hence, we collect and annotate the ShopSign dataset to advance research in Chinese scene text detection and recognition. The new dataset has three distinctive characteristics: (1) large-scale: it contains 25,362 Chinese shop sign images, with a total number of 196,010 text-lines. (2) diversity: the images in ShopSign were captured in different scenes, from downtown to developing regions, using more than 50 different mobile phones. (3) difficulty: the dataset is very sparse and imbalanced. It also includes five categories of hard images (mirror, wooden, deformed, exposed and obscure). To illustrate the challenges in ShopSign, we run baseline experiments using state-of-the-art scene text detection methods (including CTPN, TextBoxes++ and EAST), and cross-dataset validation to compare their corresponding performance on the related datasets such as CTW, RCTW and ICPR 2018 MTWI challenge dataset. The sample images and detailed descriptions of our ShopSign dataset are publicly available at:

Comments: 10 pages, 2 figures, 5 tables
Categories: cs.CV
Subjects: I.7.5
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