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arXiv:1809.10463 [cs.LG]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Learning to Train a Binary Neural Network

Joseph Bethge, Haojin Yang, Christian Bartz, Christoph Meinel

Published 2018-09-27Version 1

Convolutional neural networks have achieved astonishing results in different application areas. Various methods which allow us to use these models on mobile and embedded devices have been proposed. Especially binary neural networks seem to be a promising approach for these devices with low computational power. However, understanding binary neural networks and training accurate models for practical applications remains a challenge. In our work, we focus on increasing our understanding of the training process and making it accessible to everyone. We publish our code and models based on BMXNet for everyone to use. Within this framework, we systematically evaluated different network architectures and hyperparameters to provide useful insights on how to train a binary neural network. Further, we present how we improved accuracy by increasing the number of connections in the network.

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