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arXiv:1712.07469 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

$Λ(1405)$ production in the process $χ_{c0}(1P)\to \barΛΣπ$

Li-Juan liu, En Wang, Ju-Jun Xie, Kai-Lan Song, Jing-Yu Zhu

Published 2017-12-20Version 1

We have performed a theoretical study of the process $\chi_{c0}(1P)\to \bar{\Lambda}\Sigma\pi$, by taking into account the final state interactions of $\pi\Sigma$ and $\pi\bar{\Lambda}$ based on the chiral unitary approach, and also the intermediate resonance $\Sigma(1380)$ in $\pi\bar{\Lambda}$ system. As the isospin $I=0$ filter of the $\pi\Sigma$ channel, this reaction can be used to search for the two $\Lambda(1405)$ states. In addition, since this process also filters the isospin $I=1$ of the $\pi\bar{\Lambda}$ channel, the shape of the $\pi\bar{\Lambda}$ mass distribution of this process can be used to test the existences of the $\Sigma(1380)$ with $J^P=1/2^-$ and the baryon state around the $\bar{K}N$ threshold, with $J^P=1/2^-$, strangeness $S=1$, and isospin $I=1$, predicted in the chiral unitary approach.

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