arXiv:1707.07527 [nucl-th]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
Shell model results for $T=1$ and $T=0$ bands in $^{66}$As
Praveen C. Srivastava, R. Sahu, V. K. B. Kota
Published 2017-07-24Version 1
Results of a comprehensive shell model (SM) analyses, within the full $f_{5/2}pg_{9/2}$ model space, of the recently available experimental data [P. Ruotsalainen et al., Phy. Rec. C {\bf 88}, 024320 (2013)] with four $T=0$ bands and one $T=1$ band in the odd-odd $N=Z$ nucleus $^{66}$As are presented. The calculations are performed using jj44b effective interaction developed recently by B.A. Brown and A.F. Lisetskiy for this model space. For the lowest two $T=0$ bands and the $T=1$ band, the results are in reasonable agreement with experimental data and deformed shell model is used to identify their intrinsic structure. For the $T=1$ band, structural change at $8^+$ is predicted. For the third $9^+$ band with $T=0$, the shell model $B(E2)$ values and quadrupole moments (in addition to energies) are consistent with the interpretation in terms of aligned isoscalar $np$ pair in $g_{9/2}$ orbit coupled to the $^{64}$Ge ground band. Similarly, the $9^+$ level of band 4 and a close lying $5^+$ level are found to be isomeric states in the analysis. Finally, energies of the band 5 members calculated using shell model with both positive and negative parity show that the observed levels are most likely negative parity levels. The SM results with jj44b are also compared with the results obtained using JUN45 interaction.