arXiv:1707.01248 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
Hidden Bottom Pentaquark States with Spin 3/2 and 5/2
Published 2017-07-05Version 1
Theoretical investigations of pentaquark states which were discovered by many collaborations provide an important information on their nature and structure. It is necessary to study the spectroscopic parameters like masses and residues of particles belonging to the class of pentaquarks and ones having similar structures. The mass and pole residue are quantities which emerge as the main input parameters in exploration of the electromagnetic, strong and weak interactions of the pentaquarks with other hadrons in many frameworks. This work deals with a QCD sum rule analysis of the spin-$3/2$ and $-5/2$ bottom pentaquarks with both positive and negative parities aiming to evaluate their masses and residues. In calculations, the pentaquark states are modeled by molecular-type interpolating currents: for particles with $J=5/2$ a mixing current is used. We compare the results obtained in this work with the existing predictions of other theoretical studies. The predictions on the masses may shed light on experimental searches of the bottom pentaquarks.