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arXiv:1704.01335 [astro-ph.HE]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

The Black Hole Candidate LSI+61303

M. Massi, S. Migliari, M. Chernyakova

Published 2017-04-05Version 1

In recent years, fundamental relationships for the black hole X-ray binaries have been established between their X-ray luminosity $L_X$ and the photon index $\Gamma$ of their X-ray spectrum. For the moderate-luminosity regime, an anti-correlation between $\Gamma$ and $L_X$ has been observed. In this article, aimed to verify if the moderate luminous X-ray binary system LSI +61303 is a black hole, we analyse $Swift$ observations of LSI +61303. We compare the derived $L_X$ vs $\Gamma$ distribution, first with the statistical trend for black hole X-ray binaries, then with the trend of the pulsar PSR B1259-63, and finally with the individual trends of the black hole X-ray binaries Swift J1357.2-0933 and V404 Cygni. We find that the system PSR B1259-63 shows a positive correlation between $\Gamma$ and $L_X$, whereas in contrast LSI +61303 shows the same anti-correlation as for black hole X-ray binaries. Moreover, the trend of LSI +61303 in the $L_X$/$L_{Eddington} - \Gamma$ plane overlaps with that of the two black holes Swift J1357.2-0933 and V404 Cygni. All three systems, Swift J1357.2-0933, V404 Cygni and LSI +61303 well trace the last part of the evolution of accreting black holes at moderate-luminosity until their drop to quiescence.

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