arXiv:1703.07763 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
LHC Signals for Singlet Neutrinos from a Natural Warped Seesaw (II)
Kaustubh Agashe, Peizhi Du, Sungwoo Hong
Published 2017-03-22Version 1
A natural seesaw mechanism for obtaining the observed size of SM neutrino masses can arise in a warped extra dimensional/composite Higgs framework. In a previous paper, we initiated the study of signals at the LHC for the associated $\sim$ TeV mass SM singlet neutrinos, within a canonical model of $SU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R \times U(1)_{ B - L }$ (LR) symmetry in the composite sector, as motivated by consistency with the EW precision tests. Here, we investigate LHC signals in a different region of parameter space for the same model, where production of singlet neutrinos can occur from particles beyond those in usual LR models. Specifically, we assume that composite $(B - L)$ gauge boson is lighter than all the others in the EW sector. We show that the composite $(B - L)$ gauge boson can acquire a significant coupling to light quarks simply via mixing with elementary hypercharge gauge boson. Thus, the singlet neutrino can be pair-produced via decays of $(B - L)$ gauge boson, without a charged current counterpart. Furthermore, there is no decay for $(B - L)$ gauge boson directly into dibosons, unlike for the usual case of $W_R^{ \pm }$ and $Z^{ \prime }$. Independently of the above extension of the EW sector, we analyze production of singlet neutrinos in decays of composite partners of $SU(2)_L$ doublet leptons, which are absent in the usual LR models. In turn, these doublet leptons can be produced in composite $W_L$ decays. We show that $4 - 5 \sigma$ signal can be achieved for both cases described above for the following spectrum with 3000 fb$^{-1}$ luminosity: $2 - 2.5$ TeV composite gauge bosons, $1$ TeV composite doublet lepton (for the second case) and $500 - 750$ GeV singlet neutrino.