arXiv:1702.02152 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
R-axion at colliders
Brando Bellazzini, Alberto Mariotti, Diego Redigolo, Filippo Sala, Javi Serra
Published 2017-02-07Version 1
We study the effective theory of a generic class of hidden sectors where supersymmetry is broken together with an approximate R-symmetry at low energy. The light spectrum contains the gravitino and the pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson of the R-symmetry, the R-axion. We derive new model-independent constraints on the R-axion decay constant for R-axion masses ranging from GeV to TeV, which are of relevance for hadron colliders, lepton colliders and B-factories. The current bounds allow for the exciting possibility that the R-axion will be the first sign of SUSY. We point out the most distinctive signals of the R-axion, provinding a new experimental handle on the properties of the hidden sector.