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arXiv:1510.00145 [math.AP]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Integral representation for functionals defined on $SBD^p$ in dimension two

Sergio Conti, Matteo Focardi, Flaviana Iurlano

Published 2015-10-01Version 1

We prove an integral representation result for functionals with growth conditions which give coercivity on the space $SBD^p(\Omega)$, for $\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^2$. The space $SBD^p$ of functions whose distributional strain is the sum of an $L^p$ part and a bounded measure supported on a set of finite $\mathcal{H}^{1}$-dimensional measure appears naturally in the study of fracture and damage models. Our result is based on the construction of a local approximation by $W^{1,p}$ functions. We also obtain a generalization of Korn's inequality in the $SBD^p$ setting.

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