arXiv:1508.05287 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
Form factors of B, Bs -> eta, eta' and D, Ds -> eta, eta' transitions from QCD light-cone sum rules
Goran Duplancic, Blazenka Melic
Published 2015-08-21Version 1
In the framework of the QCD light-cone sum rules (LCSRs) we present the analysis of all $B, B_{s}\to \eta^{(\prime)}$ and $D, D_{s}\to \eta^{(\prime)}$ form factors ($f^+, f^0$ and $f^T$) by including $m_{\eta^{(\prime)}}^2$ corrections in the leading (up to the twist-four) and next-to-leading order (up to the twist-three) in QCD, and two-gluon contributions to the form factors at the leading twist. The SU(3)-flavour breaking corrections and the axial anomaly contributions to the distribution amplitudes are also consistently taken into account. The complete results for the $f^0$ and $f^T$ form factors of $B,B_s \to \eta^{(\prime)}$ and $D, D_{s} \to \eta^{(\prime)}$ relevant for processes like $B \to \eta^{(\prime)} \tau \nu_{\tau}$ or $B_{s} \to \eta^{(\prime)} l^+ l^-$ are given for the first time, as well as the two-gluon contribution to the tensor form factors. The values obtained for the $f^+$ form factors are as follows: $f^+_{B\eta}(0)= 0.168^{+0.042}_{-0.047}$, $|f^+_{B_s\eta}(0)|= 0.212^{+0.015}_{-0.013}$, $f^+_{B\eta^\prime}(0)= 0.130^{+0.036}_{-0.032}$, $f^+_{B_s\eta^\prime}(0)= 0.252^{+0.023}_{-0.020}$ and $f^+_{D\eta}(0)= 0.429^{+0.165}_{-0.141}$, $|f^+_{D_s\eta}(0)|= 0.495^{+0.030}_{-0.029}$, $f^+_{D\eta^\prime}(0)= 0.292^{+0.113}_{-0.104}$, $f^+_{D_s\eta^\prime}(0)= 0.558^{+0.047}_{-0.045}$. Also phenomenological predictions for semileptonic $B, B_{s}\to \eta^{(\prime)}$ and $D, D_{s}\to \eta^{(\prime)}$ decay modes are given.