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arXiv:1508.00327 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Way to crosscheck $μ$-$e$ conversion in the case of no signals of $μ \to e γ$ and $μ\to 3e$

Masato Yamanaka

Published 2015-08-03Version 1

We consider the case that $\mu$-$e$ conversion signal is discovered but other charged lepton flavor violating (cLFV) processes will never be found. In such a case, we need other approaches to confirm the $\mu$-$e$ conversion and its underlying physics without conventional cLFV searches. We study R-parity violating (RPV) SUSY models as a benchmark. We briefly review that our interesting case is realized in RPV SUSY models with reasonable settings according to current theoretical/experimental status. We focus on the exotic collider signatures at the LHC ($pp \to \mu^- e^+$ and $pp \to jj$) as the other approaches. We show the correlations between the branching ratio of $\mu$-$e$ conversion process and cross sections of these processes. It is first time that the correlations are graphically shown. We exhibit the RPV parameter dependence of the branching ratio and the cross sections, and discuss the feasibility to determine the parameters.

Comments: Proceedings of Flavor Physics \& CP Violation 2015 (FPCP 2015), 25-29 May 2015, Nagoya, Japan. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1410.0512
Categories: hep-ph
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